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Please any help me about the implementation of S-HTTP

Dear everyone,

I know that this mailing list is not the correct place of my question.
Sorry for your inconvenience.

By the way, I have a plan to implement S-HTTP protocol 
at Netscape or Internet Explorer.
(1) Is there any technology like "protocol handler" of Hotjava ?
(2) Or Is it possible to implement the protocol extension(S-HTTP) 
    with "java applet" ?

I'd like to hear any information from anyone doing the similar work.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Eunkyung Cho
Eunkyung Cho				   Phone : 82-42-860-5463
Protocol Engineering  Center, ETRI     	   Fax   : 82-42-861-5404     
Yousung P.O.BOX 106, Taejon 305-606 Korea  Email :
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